Online food delivery : foods at your doorsteps

Many things have changed in our lives since the digitalization came, specially in food industry. Online food delivery services have revolutionized the idea of how food can be served to customers in more efficient and hygienic way. Since the COVID - 19 pandemic started, there is a huge boom in the online food delivery sector though many food chains had to close their physical shops due to lockdown issues. With less operational costs, many amateur cooks have started their business from home and earning money to survive in this difficult situation.

My experience:

Most of the food delivery services do not operate where I live in Dhaka. Though it is inside the metropolitan area in the capital city, for unknown reasons no one was interested to run business in my local area. Recently HungryNaki, the first online food delivery service in Bangladesh started their operation in my area and I am loving it. 

I am using the HungryNaki app for one month now and I have very satisfying experience from it so far. On time delivery, behavior of the delivery man, superb customer service and smart app are the few of good things about this app.

I ordered from KFC, Chillox, Burger King, Bachelors and so on for breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner. The smart thing about the HungryNaki app is you can easily monitor your order status including the live notification of your delivery man from google maps which is very helpful. 

But there are some bad sides of the delivery service also. Once I ordered cake from a pastry shop and they provided expired food. I immediately filed complain against it and HungryNaki changed my cake within short time. In my opinion, delivery guys should check the expiry dates for frozen or bakery items while picking from restaurant to avoid this kind of issue.

I really hope that other online food delivery services will start operation in my local area soon and give me opportunity to have more delicious foods from my home.        
