Roast Chicken

Ingredients (4 to 6 servings)

      1.5 Kg Chicken
      Dash of salad oil
      Dash of salt
      Dash of pepper

Side Notes

      Temp. Control                         250°C
      Heater Operating Switch        Upper and Lower
      Preheating                               Necessary
      Cooking Time                         45-50 min


1. Wash chicken and dry. Rub the exterior with salt, pepper ans salad oil. Fold wings over its back and wrap feet with foil.
2. Preheat oven at 250°C.Place chicken on tray, after oven is thoroughly heated.
3. Brush chicken with gravy occasionally to keep moist. Change position of chicken to roast evenly.
4. Roast for 45-50 min until golden brown. insert steel skewer and if clear meat juice comes out, it is ready to serve.
Note: Be sure to place 2 sheets of aluminum foil on tray.
