Roast Beef

Ingredients (4 servings)

    600 g beef
    1 big onion                               Mustard / Soy sauce
    1 celery stalk
    Dash of salad oil
    Dash of salt
    Dash of pepper
    Dash of garlic powder

Side Notes

    Temp. Control                       230°C
    Heating Operating Switch       Upper and lower
    Cooking Time                       30 min.

1. Season beef with salt, pepper and garlic powder before roasting.
2. Tie beef firmly with hemp string.
3. Cut vegetables into small pieces and spread them on a greased tray. place beef on the top of vegetables.
4. preheat oven at 230°C. Roast beef for 30 minutes.
5. Remove hemp string from beef, carve into 1 cm slices.
6. serve with mustard / soy sauce.
